There may come a time when you need to provide secure access to your WordPress site to another person. Here’s a quick guide on how to provide access without sharing your personal passwords!
Create a New WordPress User Accounts
You’ll need to create a new user account to provide access to your WordPress site. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard as an administrator. This will typically be at:
2. On the left side, go to “Users” and click “Add New”
3. Fill in the user’s information. If providing access to Marketing Clarity, use the following:
- Username: marketingclarity
- Email address: [email protected]
- Role: Administrator
4. Click “Add New User” to create the account.
Want to Understand User Roles and Permissions?
Here’s a quick recap: WordPress offers different user roles and permissions, each with its own set of capabilities.
- Administrator: This role fully controls the site, including managing users, themes, and plugins.
- Editor: Editors can create, edit, and publish posts and pages, making them a good choice for content creators.
- Author: Authors can write, edit, and publish their posts, but they can’t modify others’ content.
- Contributor: Contributors can write and edit their own posts but cannot publish them. They need approval from an editor or administrator.
- Subscriber: Subscribers can only manage their profile and leave comments.
Why Set a Secure User Password?
Ensuring users have a secure password is important when inviting users to your WordPress site. Weak passwords can pose a significant security risk. Encourage users to create strong passwords and consider using a password manager for added security.